Thứ Ba, 7 tháng 9, 2010

Hey, An Actual Interesting Judicial Panel!

My undying yet entirely professional devotion to Melanie Damian is well-known, and fortuitously the restraining order just happens to expire at the end of the month.

But there are other reasons why I have purchased all seats in the first three rows to this fabulous DBR event.

Let's see, Judges Gold, Jordan, Salter, Thornton, Huck, Walsh, and don't forget a certain Resplendently Robed One who seldom leaves the rarefied air of that bunker by the highway.....

In other words....this one actually looks good!

(BTW, I'll be wearing my hand-made, personally tie-dyed "3d DCA JUDGES ROCK!!" t-shirt)

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