Thứ Hai, 12 tháng 9, 2011

Say Hello to the New Head of the PSC!

 Wow what a weekend.

A lot going on today -- first, the Tannebaum Express cogently explains why Judge Gold was right and the 11th Circuit was wrong wrong wrong in reversing the sanctions order David O obtained on behalf of Dr. Shaygan.

Note to social marketers -- amazingly, this intelligent piece of legal advocacy does not once mention the words "iPad"; "social media"; "cloud computing"; or "Joseph Rakofsky."

Next --the attorney currently in Judge Seitz' cross-hairs explains herself here, and Robert Kain explains himself here.

OK, once more, but only to appease the many requests:

Finally, Rick Scott has appointed Miami attorney Braulio Baez to head the PSC:
Baez, an attorney for a private law firm, has a law degree from Nova Southeastern University in Fort Lauderdale. He was a commissioner until January 2006 and a chief policy aide for a commissioner before that. He worked for the Akerman Senterfitt law firm for less than a year with clients that included companies in the energy and telecommunications and water industries. He spent nearly four years before that at Holland & Knight law firm where, among other things, he shaped strategies for a Fortune 500 electric utility.

He was fined a $1,170 in 2007 for allegedly accepting gifts from regulated companies during a 2002 utility conference in Miami when he was a commissioner.

That's what troubled Graham, who said he's concerned about "the big battle we're going to have to fight to having to justify a decision like this."

The PSC has been criticized in the past few years for its ties to utilities.
Now why in the world would anyone say that?

UPDATE -- On top of everything else we have to worry about, now the Florida Supreme Court wants us to actually, you know -- gulp -- be nice to each other:
To opposing parties and their counsel, I pledge fairness, integrity, and civility, not only in court, but also in all written and oral communications;
 Change starts one email at a time.

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