Thứ Hai, 14 tháng 6, 2010

Where Are My Loyal Tipsters?

I'm really ticked off someone shared braless crusader Brittney Horstman's FDC tale of woe with Miami Herald reporter Jay Weaver instead of yours truly -- didn't any FACDL list-serve lawyer recognize it as perfect material for this blog?

Come on people!

Actually, the story is beyond stupid -- what is the point of these rules? They strike me as sexist and vague (no "clothing that is tight and sexually suggestive or revealing").

Has this restriction ever been enforced against a man?

Also, why subject any lawyers seeing clients to these rules? Aren't we officers of the court, like judges and CSOs? Have there been prior incidents that would justify making lawyers take off their bras when seeing their clients?

If so -- tell me more.

In other news, the Federalist Society will be meeting tomorrow at the Four Seasons, hosting former FEC commissioner Hans von Spakovsky.

I've been following Spakovsky's legal writings on NRO, which have been strictly doctrinaire, uninspired and exceedingly partisan (here he is recently bashing a career Justice Department appellate attorney for receiving a commendation even though she wound up losing an appeal).

But I had no idea of the extent of it before reading about his background on Slate.

Let's just say he seems completely fair and balanced.

In other news, Judge Donner apparently needs a better internet connection:
She took offense at DuPont attorneys, who claimed her access problems were not due to the depository itself but the quality of her Internet connection, the court’s computer firewall and anti-virus software.

Company attorney Bert Ocariz of Shook Hardy & Bacon in Miami said Donner would fare better if she tried from a different location.
Dude, I'm not sure that's the best way to handle that issue.

Did you also complain about her fax machine and tell her the courtroom A/C's not working so hot?


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