Thứ Ba, 9 tháng 8, 2011

Happy Tisha B'Av -- Temples Destroyed, But We Got Ourselves a Denny's!

Oh South Florida legal community, why are you so hungry for malicious gossip "news"?

Does it matter, as Julie Kay writes today, that your websites will no longer comply with Bar rules?

(This, of course, assumes that they ever did.)

More importantly, now that the Palm Beach County Bar Association is moving into a former Denny's, should we feel bad for the bar or for Denny's -- all I know is Adam Rabin better make me an omelet if I show up there s@*tfaced at 3 in the morning.

And to the blog visitor who arrived here via a search for "Israel hot girls," I'll have you know that today is Tisha B'Av, only the saddest day on the Jewish calendar (that says a lot, believe me).

Sure we lost two temples, the most treasured of treasured holy sites desecrated twice by invading heathens -- plus a lot of other bad stuff happened on this date, like the expulsion of the Jews from Spain in 1492 and World War I, to name but a few lowlights.

But on the other hand, we have gained a Denny's.

Let me repeat it, slowly, in perfect....Rabbi.....diction -- we have gained a Denny's.

That reminds me -- did I mention everyone is supposed to be fasting today?

Adam, I 'll see you later tonight and I'm gonna be hungry (btw -- ham, mushrooms and cheese, thanks!).

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