Thứ Tư, 31 tháng 10, 2012

3d DCA Watch -- Special All Hallow's Eve Edition!

It's a special day inside the bunker, as the denizens get in the All Hallow's Eve spirit by swilling dark red "blood" coffee, munching on bowls of "eyeball" candy, and dressing up as their favorite Supreme Court Justice (guess who wore the Scalia mask this year, again!).

Me, I'm in my usual costume -- a full body suit composed of whole wheat pasta bolognaise -- sure it takes a lot of work and gets a little sticky by the end of the day but you never know, this might be the year it all comes together!

Let's dig into these truly spooktackular opinions:

Pietton v. Evertz:

One thing I love about state court is you can literally title your motion any way you want -- the more elaborate and specific and pejorative the better -- like this epic ex parte “Motion for Order Approving Settlement and to Enjoin One of the Potential Beneficiaries from Interfering with the Administration of [the] Probate [Estate] and from Taking Action Contrary to the Personal Representative’s Authority.”

With a title like that, what's left to put in the motion?

Roberts v. Roberts:

Note to trial judges:  if you impose attorney's fees as a sanction, best have an evidentiary hearing and put your findings in an order.

Come on, that's just downright apodictic!

Be safe tonight.

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